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Happy New Year!
Although it was just yesterday that I shared my Year in Review post for 2023, it was also last year.
Much like celebrating a birthday, the dawn of a new year isn’t an instantly transformative experience – we’re all still exactly the same people we were yesterday. But as humans we love to compartmentalize and draw lines of significance, so for some reason, today, which looks ever so much like yesterday outside, is the start of a new year.
So I suppose now is as good of a time as any to share my list of intentions for the year. I choose to use that word, well, intentionally. These aren’t big, bold resolutions that come with immense pressure – these are small, minor shifts that (hopefully) will result in lifelong growth and learning.
I won’t make today’s post long and drawn out as I’ve entered this new year feeling a little sleepy (sadly not even from a night of revelry – just from keeping my cat calm with all the fireworks around!). So let’s get this New Year’s party started!
I'm not a bucket list traveler, but that doesn't mean I don't have travel goals!

More international travel. I try not to depart a previous year with any regrets, but one deep regret from 2023 is that I only traveled domestically. Don’t get me wrong – it was so lovely to get to explore more of my home country, and to visit places that are often underestimated travel destinations – but I miss the challenge and experience of traveling internationally. Here’s to adding more stamps to my passport in 2024!
Take a slow trip. I didn’t used to be so antsy, but I’ve noticed that I struggle to stay still (while at the same time, my energy levels have decreased – what a contradiction!). I’d love to take a do-nothing getaway this year to starve my nervous energy a bit; perhaps that will help me feel more balanced and calm.
Do something adventurous. I don’t know what this looks like yet – maybe it’s a ski trip, maybe it’s taking a class or workshop while traveling. I felt quite comfortable on my travels in 2023, and I’m ready to explore conditions that offer a bit of discomfort or challenge.
I've learned that my home needs to be a place I want to return to after traveling, and it could use a little love.

Fall back in love with cooking. Despite being home more than ever (and thus, having more potential for spending time in the kitchen), I’m relying on more convenience foods and quick meals than ever. I believe increasing food costs have also played a major role in this (who wants to buy special ingredients and their regular grocery list?), but the truth is, I just haven’t felt inspired to cook a new dish in a long time. While you still probably won’t find me whipping up a complicated dish on a weeknight, I want to get excited to cook fresh, delicious, and inspired dishes. As always, I’ll probably turn to blogs and the library for sourcing; any recommendations to kick off the year?
Self-freaking-care. While I took care of my soul by traveling last year, I neglected my body. I’m paying for that decision now, but it’s hard to dig yourself out of a pit. I want the decisions I make in 2024 to nourish me through food, movement, relaxation, and stepping away from all the screens.
Just keep knitting. I’ve fallen deeply in love with this craft, and after a couple of years at it, it’s a relief to know it’s not just a phase. Knitting has been a major help in keeping me away from my phone (it’s a fact – you just can’t use it with knitting needles in your hands!), and I’ve loved being able to transform a few skeins of yarn into well-loved gifts for others and garments for me.
Make the most of home. If you’ve ever asked me about living in Charlotte, you’ve probably heard me say, “I love my neighborhood, but hate my house.” With the way the market has been, it just hasn’t made financial sense for us to move. While I don’t anticipate making major improvements to our rental (why on earth would I do anything that would ultimately increase our rent?), there has to be a solution to the awkward flow of the space and the arrangement of our belongings. I just haven’t figured it out yet.
Since you're here, how about a few intentions for this site?

More single-item posts. A full-fledged travel guide takes me anywhere from two-to-six full days to complete post-trip (it largely depends on the length of the getaway) and a round-up of clothing reviews usually takes one-to-two days. It’s a ton of work to cull photos and edit them, research, write, format, edit, etc., but I love putting these guides and reviews together (so they’re not going anywhere!). But over the past few months, I’ve started breaking things up into smaller chunks (say, a restaurant roundup or a single-product review), and have found that I like this more manageable approach. It seems like it’s helpful for you, too, to get you right to the information you’re seeking – so I think this strategy is a win-win for us all.
A site refresh. Back when I started blogging, blogs were largely simple things with a chronological post view and maybe a menu with a few categories – so that’s what I did, too. I’m immensely proud that this website has been built in-house (largely by Michael, who is the most patient and supportive partner I could ever have asked for), but the world has largely moved on from quaint, home-grown blogs to a full-on editorial-style website. In theory, that’s all just window-dressing which shouldn’t impact the important stuff (the content!) – but I’m starting to worry about new readers not wanting to try to see past the dated facade. I think we judge a book by its cover more than we care to admit, so I’d love to find a way to give this site some official branding and user-friendly organization without breaking the bank (it’s honestly so expensive, I’m still experiencing sticker-shock).
More essays and how-tos. With a full travel calendar for 2023, I spent most of my time writing destination guides – but I really want to dive deeper into the topics surrounding travel in 2024. For now, I’m thinking that I will sprinkle in a few more holistic travel planning and packing posts, but if there is ever a topic you’d like me to address, please let me know!
Well, those are my goals for 2024 in a nutshell. Did you notice that none of them are really quantifiable? There’s no “lose ten pounds” or “visit four countries” on this list; instead, I’m focusing on small, actionable steps I can take and overall shifts I want to make. Not to get all “YOLO” on you, but it is true that we only get one sweet, precious life. I want to make the most of every moment in a way that matters to me today and that my future self will be grateful for.
Questions for you:
Are you setting intentions for this year?
What is one thing you’re looking forward to for 2024?
Do you feel readers want to see a more magazine of news-style site? I like the old-fashioned blog format. But IDK, I’m kind of old school. I have thought about getting some branding done too, but it seems like a big cost for such a small blog.
I like the old-fashioned blog format too (it feels familiar!), but I do wonder if not having a site that feels contemporary somehow makes readers subconsciously feel the information is dated (even when it’s not). It’s a lot to consider!