Charlotte, Home, Journal, Reflections

Setting Intentions for a New Year: 2025 Edition

View of soups at Free Range Brewing's Free Soup Day

Happy New Year, friends! I’m going to be completely honest—I’m currently in a warm, soupy haze after this morning’s Free Soup Day at Free Range Brewing and this post may not be quite as eloquent as I hoped. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s one of my favorite days of the year and one of my favorite events in Charlotte. Free soup! On a cold day! Made by local chefs! For free! But oh how nice it sounds to curl up and take a nap in the sun with Meow right now.

Michael and I managed about ten incredible soups and stews (plus a few fun sweet treats) before tapping out and heading home, and now I’m here working through the drowsiness to share my list of intentions for this year. It helps that I just finished writing a recap of 2024, which included my thoughts on my 2024 intentions.

I find that looking back is such a useful tool for moving forward, as long as we don’t dwell too long on the couldas and shouldas. So with the last year fresh in my mind, here are my intentions for this year:


I know many people set a specific word for the year, whether it’s something they want to manifest or a term to repeat to themselves when the going gets tough. My word for 2025 is more of a theme: move*. Not just in the physical sense—though it’s the only thing that provides relief when my back pain flares up—but in an abstract sense, too. Whether it’s simply moving forward on a project, moving away from something that is not serving me, or moving into a state of rest, I want 2025 to be a year of motion.

But as we know, specific, thoughtful, and actionable goals are the ones that actually get done, so I’ll dive into a few today to stay accountable:

Clear the clutter

“Clutter” has slowly crept into our lives since moving into this house in 2019. While I know it’s partly the result of 5+ years of life, it’s also because this house is not really designed for modern living. There is no entry closet to catch coats and shoes, there’s no hall closet to contain extra supplies or tools, and the attic is scary. It’s no wonder things don’t always make it to their proper home—because it doesn’t really feel like a proper home for things.

I’m prioritizing this in the coming weeks, downsizing what we can and finding ways to better store the things we need. In a few necessary situations, I will probably resort to finding some functional organization systems, but I’m hoping to keep that to a minimum.

Reboot my newsletter

I feel like such a neglectful blogger for letting my newsletter languish, but it’s a major priority this month to switch clients and start sending out monthly messages again (think: personal updates, travel stories, nifty finds, and blog post roundups right at your fingertips). Keep an eye on your inbox!

Establish a healthy relationship with Instagram

While making an in-feed post recently, I jotted down “post more on Instagram” as an intention for this year, but then the app malfunctioned and lost everything I had been working on. Luckily it was “only” a static post and I “only” had to spend thirty minutes to get back to the point I was at, but things like this happen all the time when I try to post on Instagram. Honestly, Instagram is my least favorite part of what I do (I could write an entire blog post on the issues I have using the app and the way it impacts my mental health), but it’s also where people are for the time being, and I want to keep showing up for you.

Until the next social media craze overtakes it, I need to find a healthy way to manage posting on Instagram while monitoring how much of my life it takes and how it impacts my stress levels. For now, I’ve turned notifications off, and what a difference that has made.

Become a selfish knitter

I treasured spending much of 2024 knitting for soon-to-be-born babies, local charities in our community, and gifts for friends and family—but I also missed spending time knitting for me. I did an incredibly poor job tracking my knits in Ravelry last year, but I think I only made it out with a tank top, a hat, and some washcloths. For 2025, I’m tackling the knits in my queue for me.

That’s not to say that I won’t be knitting for others, but I’m hoping to shift those projects to be a bit more mindless (like ones I can knit in the car) so I can shift my attention to more complicated sweaters and such. I can’t wait to show you my FOs (that’s “Finished Objects” in knitspeak).

Making getting dressed fun again

I’ve comfortably settled into a T-shirt-and-jeans routine, and while it’s, well, a comfortable place to be, I want my wardrobe to feel more playful again. I feel like I’m at capacity for basics right now, so in addition to checking a garment’s fabric and fit, I want any new clothes and shoes to feel fun. This also goes for any knits beyond the ones I have planned, which do include some lovely basics that I will treasure.

Create more routines

I feel like I’ve made this goal before, but it’s one I want to keep developing to set my future self up for success. I’ve automated or created routines for a number of things in my life, whether it’s for the blog (say, pinning on Pinterest) or chores around the house (the first of the month is a big day around here, with lots of monthly cleaning tasks). But since my blog writing sprawls out into the evenings and weekends, I’m ready to establish even more structure so my free time is truly free.

Keep visiting underrated destinations

It’s funny—the destinations that elicit a “Why would you go there?” response often end up being some of my favorites. It’s too early to say what some of those might be because 99% of my travel decisions are made by the airlines when they offer a reasonable fare, but I’m hoping to hit some more of those “huh?” destinations to convince you to visit.

Take a do-nothing trip

My travel style is the antithesis of a relaxing vacation, and I’d love to challenge myself to take a trip that prioritizes relaxation (with a hint of wellness for good measure). I honestly don’t know if I can sit still that long, but I think it would be incredibly healing. Have you found a great do-nothing destination? I’d love to hear about it, whether it’s a mountain getaway or an all-inclusive beach trip. I’m a bit out of my depth here!


While I kept having to go back and correct the year after writing 2024 above multiple times, I’m excited to get moving into this new year and taking the steps needed to enjoy it more fully. I purposely kept this list short and focused on goals that can be achieved sooner rather than later; life is hard enough as it is, and I don’t want my future outlook to be dampened by impossible goals.

So—here’s to 2025! I mean it with all my heart when I say that I look forward to experiencing it all with you.

*Dear landlords: I am not manifesting moving out of my house against my will this year, so please disregard this post

Questions for you

Do you have a word of the year for 2025?

What are some of your goals this year?

Where to next? Why not give one of these a read:

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5 Comments on “Setting Intentions for a New Year: 2025 Edition

  1. Happy new year Alyssa! Love these intentions. I’m with you on the decluttering (very similar, we moved into our home in 2019 and it’s been so easy to stash boxes, things in closets sight unseen…). And I’ve definitely gained an appreciate for taking PTO for a do-nothing trip (or even staycation), it’s just as rejuvenating as an action-packed trip.

  2. What a thoughtful and refreshing take on New Year’s resolutions, Alyssa! 🌟 Your reflections on setting meaningful and achievable goals really resonated with me. It’s so easy to get caught up in the grand plans and unrealistic expectations at the start of a new year, but your approach feels both grounded and inspiring.

    I particularly loved how you emphasized focusing on small, intentional steps rather than overwhelming ourselves with huge commitments. Your suggestion to prioritize experiences over material goals is something I deeply relate to—it’s often the little moments that leave the biggest impact.

    After traveling across Europe for over 13 years, I’ve learned that meaningful resolutions aren’t about ticking boxes but about creating space for growth and connection. It’s part of what inspired me to create, where I share travel tips and uncover hidden gems across Europe. Your post reminded me of the importance of pausing, reflecting, and being intentional with our goals.

    Thank you for sharing such an honest and heartfelt piece. Your words feel like advice from a friend, and I’m already looking forward to seeing where 2025 takes you!

    Warm regards,

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Jaseph! Thirteen years of traveling across Europe sounds like a dream, and I hope 2025 brings you even more adventures!

  3. Oh, I NEVER have any of my notifications on for any social media app, not on the phone, and not via email. Highly recommend. Clearing clutter and making dressing more fun are also on my list. As part of that, I’m trying to wear more color this year and break out of my trusty black outfits.

    1. I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner—my brain feels so much less scattered. Now I just need to get the courage to turn off email notifications…

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