Category: Home


Journal | 8.25.19

A plate of bean + soy-chorizo tacos on homemade corn tortillas

Where did August go? This month has passed in a blur, but Michael and I have one more flight ahead of us before it turns September. We just booked a flight to Raleigh for Labor Day weekend – we’ve been so busy that I totally forgot about the holiday, and by yesterday cheap flights were …


Journal | 8.3.19

Chanel bottle pictured in a mirror

Happy August! I keep seeing this meme everywhere, and it feels very accurate. Things have been busy around our house lately. This weekend alone, we’re packing for our trip to Cartagena, baking a cake for Michael’s sister’s birthday, tackling sewing and household projects, and trying to consolidate some of our office and kitchenware (all in …

Home, Travel, Travel Tips

5 Easy Ways to Save Money This Week (for your next trip!)

polka dotted piggy bank turned upside down

It’s Monday, the start of another grueling work week. And I would be willing to bet you airfare that someone will complain to me sometime this week about how expensive travel is. They’re not wrong – travel is expensive. This is why Michael and I, at this point in our lives and careers, have to …


Journal | 7.13.19

It’s a beautiful day! (I mean, any day we book a flight is suddenly brighter). Our anniversary is next month (we’ve been dating for eleven years, which totally boggles my mind), and as always, Michael and I are skipping any gifts in favor of taking a trip. When searching for fares, we found great deals …


The Start of Something New(sletter) + A Giveaway!

Typewriter with the words "wayward news" on the paper

The start of the second half of the year seems like the perfect time to launch something new: the Wayward newsletter! Twice a month (give or take) subscribers will receive a list of the most recent posts, as well as links to interesting articles around the web, personal travel stories, and the occasional sale roundup. …