Category: Style

Destinations, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA, Washington, D.C.

Traveling Light: A Winter Packing List for Washington, D.C.

A graphic for the Washington, D.C. Packing List

Opening up my suitcase and sharing my packing list for a winter weekend in D.C. The last time I visited Washington, D.C., the weather was in the nineties and I nearly sweated through my tanks, dresses, and shorts. For a mid-January trip, the highs were barely above freezing, meaning there would be no easy packing …

Beauty, Travel, Travel Tips

Five Easy Hairstyles for Travel (that aren’t a messy bun or ponytail!)

Alyssa adjusts her hair in a mirror

I think it’s fair to say that we all want to look our best when we travel, but we don’t want to spend hours at the hotel bathroom sink trying to make it happen. So how do you look “normal” after traveling long distances for days at a time, often without access to a curling/straightening …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Wrap-Up

A closet of ten items for the Winter 10x10 with text for the post

On Monday I shared my final looks for the 10 x 10 Challenge, and now that I’ve returned to my full wardrobe and had a few days to reflect on the challenge, I wanted to share my final thoughts. Missed ’em? See all the Winter 10 x 10 Posts here: Preview | Days 1 – …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Style

Winter 10 x 10: Days 7 – 10

Alyssa wears a white silk tee over a black dress with tights and flats while holding a black purse

We did it! Yesterday was the last day of the Winter 10 x 10 Challenge (confused by those words? Start here!), so I’m going to go ahead and share the final four looks with you today. On Thursday, I’ll share a wrap-up of the challenge which will include my favorite + least favorite outfits. This …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Challenge: Days 4 – 6

Alyssa wears a silk tee, black pants, and black flats and looks out the window

We’ve crossed the halfway mark in the Winter 10 x 10 Challenge! (Not sure what that means? Be sure to start here). This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost to you!). Thank you for your …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Challenge: Days 1 – 3

Alyssa wears a black sweater, black jeans, and black flats

Hi 10 x 10 Friends! Three days down, seven to go. I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone’s item choices and outfit combinations so far (although I think my favorite ones are always towards the end of the ten days, where we all have to get a little extra creative to change things up)! At the end …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Preview

A cover photo for the Winter 10x10 post

Friends, can you believe we’re gearing up for another 10 x 10? Me neither! (Not sure what a 10 x 10 challenge is? Head here for more info). This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost …

Destinations, Packing Lists, Rhode Island, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Winter Packing List for Providence, Rhode Island

Alyssa holds a stack of clothes she packed for Providence

Normally packing for a three-day weekend is a breeze, but when you’re from Florida and the temperature at your destination is barely expected to rise above freezing, it can be a challenge. Neither Michael nor I have a well-established winter wardrobe (you don’t really need one where we live!), and I still feel like we’re …

Beauty, Destinations, France, Travel

My Favorite French Beauty Finds + Where to Buy Them in the U.S.

A collection of bottles from a French Pharmacy

Go ahead and do a web search for “City Pharma Paris” and you’ll surely see a long line of blog posts and other websites praising the giant discount parapharmacie mecca in the results (it’s okay—I’ll still be here, promise). Everything they say is true—it’s busy and crowded but the prices are much lower. The staff …

Destinations, New York, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: New York City Packing List

A sofa piled with items packed for NYC in the Fall

And I’m back! Michael and I usually try to visit New York City at least once a year, and quite unbelievably as of last week, we hadn’t been yet this year. Well, we remedied that over the past weekend and spent three days eating and shopping to our hearts’ content. This post contains affiliate links …