Category: Alabama

Alabama, Destinations, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Packing List for an Alabama Road Trip

A photo of the Alabama Theatre. The marquee reads ALABAMA

Everything I packed for a long winter road trip through Alabama.

Alabama, Destinations, Travel, USA

24 Hours in Montgomery, Alabama

view of Alabama capital from the street in montgomery

My visit to Montgomery felt like a whole lot of “hurry up and wait.” Michael and I arrived in the early afternoon from Birmingham, located about an hour north of the state’s capital. We headed downtown and paid for a metered spot near the Civil Rights Memorial. My first impression of the city’s downtown area …

Alabama, Destinations, Travel, USA

How to Spend a Sunday Night in Birmingham, Alabama

Photo of historic Alabama theatre in Birmingham, with large ALABAMA sign

“Sunday night in Birmingham” reads an entry in my Google search history. Michael and I were visiting the city for a single night as part of a very quick road trip through the Yellowhammer State, and our visit just so happened to fall on Sunday. With a visit to Scottsboro and Huntsville already under our …

Alabama, Destinations, Travel, USA

The Ultimate Journey: Discovering the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama

A model rocket in the Rocket Garden at the US Space and Rocket Center

Although the main draw for my trip to this corner of Alabama was a visit to Unclaimed Baggage in nearby Scottsboro, it would have been an utter shame to skip over the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama – a visit enhanced by yet another fairly recent trip to the Kennedy Space Center …

Alabama, Destinations, Travel, USA

Where Lost Luggage Goes: What it’s Like to Visit Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro, Alabama

Krystal standing in front of sign at Unclaimed Baggage Entrance

“How can the airline just lose my bag?” I have no idea how often this phrase gets uttered, but after a recent visit to Unclaimed Baggage in tiny Scottsboro, Alabama, I suspect it happens a lot. Sorry, what? Unclaimed Baggage? Yep – Unclaimed Baggage is an entire store dedicated to selling items left in unclaimed …