Category: North Carolina

Charlotte, Destinations, Food, North Carolina, Restaurant Roundups and Reviews, Travel, USA

The Sweetest Spots in the Queen City: A Guide to Charlotte’s Best Bakeries

Alyssa sits at a bistro table with a pastry and holds a cup of coffee

As anyone who’s ever tried to bake a cake or a loaf of bread from scratch knows, baking is a labor of love. And as much as I do enjoy baking at home, sometimes it’s nice to outsource the task to a professional. But not just any bakery—my love for small businesses extends all the …

Charlotte, Destinations, North Carolina, Travel, USA

The Essential Day Trip Guide to Waxhaw, North Carolina

The Waxhaw water tower in the background with a brick building in the foreground

Sharing your ultimate day-trip travel guide to Waxhaw, North Carolina, a charming town just 45 minutes from Charlotte.

Charlotte, Destinations, North Carolina, Travel, USA

Make a Quick Getaway With These 22 Essential Day Trips from Charlotte, North Carolina

Alyssa stands outside of a vintage car in Kannapolis

We’re so lucky to have so many incredible day trip destinations within a three-hour drive of Charlotte. What are you waiting for? Find your next weekend adventure!

Charlotte, Destinations, North Carolina, Style, Travel, USA

Shop Local: 10 Charlotte Shops You Should Add to Your List

A Charlotte store with clothing and accessories

I frequently highlight small businesses in my travel guides, so I figured it’s finally time to share some of my home city’s best local shops and boutiques! Charlotte is home to nearly every major retailer (although, famously, not Zara)—but those shops receive enough attention as it is, so this post isn’t going to be about …

Charlotte, Home, North Carolina, Style, Travel, Travel Products, USA, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2023 Holiday Gift Guide: Local Gifts from North Carolina

A collage of gifts from North Carolina makers

Happy Small Business Saturday, friends! As has become a tradition around here, I’m thrilled to share a curated guide of local gifts from my current home state in honor of this day. Today’s carefully edited list features a variety of unique and beautifully made items that support North Carolina artists and makers that you should …

Charlotte, Destinations, North Carolina, Travel, USA

Day Trip Travel Guide for Salisbury, North Carolina

Alyssa drinks a bottle of Cheerwine in Salisbury, NC

Salisbury, North Carolina: Home of Food Lion and Cheerwine (and you, for the day!).

Charlotte, Destinations, North Carolina, Travel, USA

12 Things You Should Know Before Riding Amtrak’s Piedmont Train

A train pulls away from the station, it is emblazoned with NC

Considering a ride on the Piedmont train, which connects Charlotte to Raleigh? Here’s what you need to know before you book.

Destinations, North Carolina, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Packing List for a Weekend in Durham, North Carolina

Alyssa walks around the ATC in Durham in a white tee and jeans

Everything I packed for a fall weekend in Durham, North Carolina.