Frequently Asked Questions

Alyssa at the fort in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Curious about something that’s not mentioned on my About or Work With Me pages? Chances are, you can find the answer below!

(And if I’ve missed your burning question, feel free to send me an email or DM me on Instagram!)

This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost to you!). Thank you for your support—it enables me to run this site ad-free!


Who are you and why should I trust your travel/style advice?

I love that you’re direct and right to the point! I’m Alyssa, a thirty-something travel enthusiast who’s been exploring the world and sharing my journey here on Wayward since 2017.

Over the years, I’ve assembled a series of curated travel guides to over 100 destinations, picking up essential tips and tricks along the way. Through my experience, I’ve mastered the art of avoiding tourist traps, discovering the best hidden eateries, and knowing exactly which shoes will keep you blister-free on your adventures. I’m here to ensure your travels are not only stylish but also seamless.

Why did you start Wayward?

About a decade ago, I had an aha moment: what if I swapped my weekly splurges—like takeout, coffee runs, and those irresistible Target finds—for travel? It turns out, that simple shift allowed me to jet off on monthly getaways to destinations near and far.

The catch? I had to be flexible with my destinations. Instead of choosing places based solely on my bucket list, I hunted for the best travel deals, which led me to a mix of dream destinations and unexpected gems I might have overlooked otherwise.

At first, people around me were puzzled, asking, “Why would you do that?” But as time went on, those “whys” turned into “hows.”

In 2017, I decided to start this website as a fun side project. I began sharing tips on finding cheap flights and writing weekend travel guides for the places I visited because, inevitably, someone would ask for recommendations on where to eat and what to do. And since I love all things style and dissecting local trends, I also started including my real-life packing lists for each unique destination.

Fast forward to today, and this little hobby has more or less become my full-time gig. I still wake up every morning and pinch myself that I get to inspire others to travel for a living, so thank you for being here.

Sometimes you say we in your posts—who is “we?”

Unless it’s a collective we, I’m usually referring to myself and Michael, my fiancé and photographer partner. He likes to stay behind the scenes, but he’s with me on nearly every journey.

How do you afford to travel?

We really don’t talk about money enough as a society, do we? But I think it’s something we should normalize, and I’m always game to talk through it. The majority of the trips Michael and I take are self-funded, and budget is almost always the top priority when considering a destination.

The usual life circumstances play a role in being able to travel as much as we do, but by keeping our at-home costs as low as possible (renting a small house, dining out infrequently, etc.) and traveling wisely (hopping on budget airlines and finding free attractions), we’re always striving to eek every cent out of our travel dollars.

Do you consider yourself to be a budget traveler?

Not quite. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bargain. But if I were to label myself as a traveler, I would use the phrase “value traveler” instead. The distinction? I’m willing to spend money where I feel like it’s worth it, and I’ll do my best to pay less when I feel like something doesn’t matter so much to me.

So, while you may find me dining at destination restaurants like noma and Pujol or going for spendier clothing brands, you’ll also spot me zipping around the country on a Spirit flight with only my backpack in tow.

What’s your travel style?

My travel style focuses on experiencing a destination’s character as much as possible. My ideal trip includes a blend of: historic or natural sights, iconic cultural attractions, old school local favorite eateries, contemporary restaurants that prioritize local ingredients or bring in global inspiration in tandem with the current population, and charming shops stocked with regionally-made goods, all capped off with a nightcap at a funky local bar before turning in at a boutique hotel (think: local charm even while you sleep!).

How do you choose the destinations you feature on your blog?

Most of the time, it’s because I’m clicking around Google Flights searching for cheap fares when I can’t sleep at night. But other times, it’s because the destination just makes sense from a budget, weather, or events perspective. I also love to explore my region, spending a weekend at destinations within a three-hour drive.

What is your favorite place you’ve ever been?

I’m not a parent, but I imagine this question feels a lot like, “Which kid is your favorite?” But the answer is really this: I don’t have a favorite destination because I haven’t been everywhere yet.

Do you plan your own trips?

About 98% of the time, yes! Occasionally I’ll travel to attend a wedding or spend time with family, which can mean I have less input on the itinerary. But even when I partner with a tourism board, I always work closely with them to build out an itinerary I think you’ll love.

Can you help me plan my trip?

While I don’t offer personalized travel planning services, you can find plenty of tips and detailed guides right here on the blog.

Do you actually visit all the places you write about?

Absolutely—this is something I’m passionate about, and I only write about places I’ve personally visited and experienced. You can trust that every destination featured here has been visited and thoroughly vetted by me. Think of it like getting travel advice from a friend—you want to read firsthand experiences, not just recommendations from a guidebook.

What is your favorite suitcase?

My primary suitcase is The Carry-On from Away (reviewed here), which fits my needs as someone who generally doesn’t check a bag or pay for baggage fees but wants to make the most of her carry-on. I’ll also shout out the Solgaard Carry-on Closet (reviewed here) for its ingenious built-in closet; I pack this one frequently for shorter trips so I don’t waste precious travel time unpacking.

You didn’t ask, but I should also mention my go-to personal item-sized backpack, which packs like a suitcase and is perfect for flying on budget airlines so I can avoid paying baggage fees.

Who is your photographer?

Unless otherwise noted, all photos are taken by myself (Alyssa) or my partner Michael (looking for a recommendation for a Charlotte-area photographer? I highly recommend my pal Comma Photography).

What equipment do you use to take your photos?

I like to travel light, so I try to keep things nice and streamlined. The majority of current photos are taken with our trusty Fujifilm X100T, which has been the primary camera in our travel kit for more than five years. Its compact size suits most of our photography needs without the need for bulky lenses and accessories (not to jinx it, but when it does finally bite the dust, I’d probably replace it with the latest version).

Occasionally Michael or I will shoot with our cell phones (iPhone/Pixel) for ease, and we recently added a mini adventure camera to the kit for more rugged excursions.

Why don’t you use social media as much?

Well, I do use platforms like Instagram and TikTok to share my travel tips and a glimpse behind the scenes, but over the years it’s become more apparent to me how quickly that work gets buried by the algorithm. It’s important to me that you have access to the information you need, and a searchable website is my way of helping you locate it quickly. Social media is a great tool for featuring limited-time events and day-in-the-life personal content, but it doesn’t seem to be as helpful in the long run.

I think I’d like to start a blog, too—how do I get started?

First of all, yay! I’m so excited for you to get started on your blogging journey. There are so many moving parts and options depending on how you want to run your website that I can’t really dive into the technicality of it all on this page.

But to get you started, here’s how I run things over here: I host my website through Bluehost, publish through WordPress, and support my content with marketing via Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. In lieu of ads, I generate income through affiliate programs like ShopMy and take on the occasional sponsored post that aligns with my values.

How can I work with you?

I’m open to collaborations, including sponsored posts, social media campaigns, and other brand partnerships. Feel free to head to my Work With Me page to learn more and then send an email to discuss potential opportunities.

Can I use your photos or content?

My content is protected by copyright, but if you’d like to use it, please contact me to discuss terms and usage rights.

Do you accept guest posts?

Not to be a control freak, but no, guest posts are not permitted. While we’re at it, I don’t participate in link exchanges or similar schemes, either.

How can I support your work?

The easiest (and a very painless) way to make a direct financial impact is to shop the affiliate links in my gift guides, reviews, packing lists, discount codes page, and other places on this site. This typically results in a small commission for me, but doesn’t impact your purchase price at all.

Not shopping? No worries! At a reader’s suggestion, I recently launched a Buy Me a Coffee page. If you’ve found your new favorite destination or a money-saving travel tip and wish to contribute a coffee to keep me awake and writing, this is another easy and direct way to support this site.

Other (free!) ways to support this blog include visiting the site regularly, following my social media accounts (find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok), and sending your favorite posts to a friend. More traffic = more opportunities to continue bringing you free travel content to help you plan your next trip.

Anything I’ve missed? Feel free to send me a message!