Travel, Travel Tips

20 Questions You Should Ask a Potential Travel Partner Before You Leave Home

A hand holds a Paris Guide Book

Take a moment to ask these questions of your friend/mom/boyfriend before you travel with them!

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel

Dutch Day Trip Guide for Delft and The Hague

Alyssa stands in front of a canal in Delft

Tell someone you’re heading to Delft and they’ll immediately conjure up either: mental pictures of scenic canals and swimming patterns of blue and white pottery, or a faintly hidden look of confusion. Delft is tiny yet has been established on the tourist trek – but if you’re willing to give a wide berth to the …


Journal | 11.3.18

I’m freaking out that it’s November. Are you freaking out that it’s November? We’ve had quite the pleasant week here this week, with beautiful weather and fun festivities. We formulated our Halloween plans at the very last minute, and went to see a spooky play and enjoyed dinner at one of our local favorites. We …

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel

Rotterdam Day Trip + Visit to Kinderdijk

A windmill at Kinderdijk in The Netherlands

The Netherlands’ second city doesn’t get nearly the amount of attention it deserves – which makes it a great day-trip destination. The city’s industrial and young, cool vibe provides an alternate view of the Dutch – one you might miss if you only stay in Amsterdam. Yet, its proximity to Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage …

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel, Travel Tips

Getting from A to B: What You Need to Know About Public Transit in Amsterdam

Tram lines in the sky at sunset in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a city best explored on foot or by bicycle as it is compact, well-organized, and features plenty of walking and biking lanes. That being said, there are times when it makes more sense to travel across the city via a faster method: when you’re in a hurry, when you are heading clear across …

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel

Retail Therapy: The Amsterdam Stores That Are Worth Your Time and Money

Alyssa shops in Amsterdam at Charlie + Mary

Shopping no longer holds the key to my heart the way it once did – and as such it no longer holds a strong spot in my travel itinerary, either. However, there is something so fun about responding, “Oh this? I got it in Paris/New York/Amsterdam/wherever,” when someone asks you about your outfit. A recent …

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel

The Ultimate First-Timer’s Guide to Amsterdam’s Top Sights and Attractions

Alyssa stands near bicycles along a canal in Amsterdam

Like London (or as I most recently discovered, Mexico City), Amsterdam has no shortage of museums and other sightseeing opportunities. From the awe-inspiring and profound to the fun and quirky, you won’t find any complaints of boredom in the city. I covered a lot of ground in Amsterdam recently, spending a week based in the …


Journal | 10.20.18

Lately, I feel like I’m just hanging on for the next three-day weekend (almost there). Luckily I have lots of fun events going on in town this weekend to provide a bit of respite from the daily routine, as well as friends visiting from out of town. I’m also in this weird limbo where I …

Destinations, Food, Netherlands, Restaurant Roundups and Reviews, Travel

Where to Find the Best Coffee in Amsterdam

A Flat White from Lot Sixty-One Coffee in Amsterdam

On my recent trip to Amsterdam, I had plenty of opportunities to explore Amsterdam’s café scene during my week in the city, particularly after a rough flight over. There are many, many great places to get your caffeine fix, but I found a surprising number of duds. Looking for more? Find all of my guides …