Destinations, Florida, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Packing List for Jacksonville, Florida

Downtown Jacksonville from Fuller Warren Bridge at Night

On Monday I shared how Michael and I spent a weekend in Jacksonville, Florida, and today I’ll share my packing list for the weekend away. As a refresher, this trip took place over a weekend in July (i.e. smack-dab in the middle of the hot, sticky, sweaty Florida summer) and included a trip to the …

Destinations, Florida, Travel, USA

Travel Guide: 36 Hours in Jacksonville, Florida

Alyssa stands in a bamboo garden at the Jacksonville Zoo

It was surfing that brought Michael and me to Jacksonville one weekend. Not what you expected, right? Perhaps a sporting event or convention or family or something, but not surfing. Yet there we were on a recent Saturday, standing on the beach in our swimsuits and wondering what we’d gotten ourselves into. This post contains …


Journal | 8.4.18

It’s August – the Sunday of Summer. The month when the heat turns unbearable, the students head back to school, and I begin to look ahead to the coming season. This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no …

Reflections, Travel

For Travel’s Sake: 7 Things I’ve Given Up in Order to Travel

Alyssa walks through gardens at Versailles

Travel is incredible. It has given me so much over the years: a vastly more open mind, a broader appreciation for our differences, a closer connection to many folks around the world, a better understanding of how others live, and a changed mindset on what it takes to be happy. Despite all of these wonderful …


Journal | 7.28.18

Happy Weekend, everyone! I hope you had a lovely week – Summer is flying isn’t it? This weekend Michael and I are in Jacksonville, Florida, and relishing every insult The Good Place threw its way (I can say that because I was born here—oh, and we’re so looking forward to season three. And if you …

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style, Travel, Travel Products

Home Try-On: A Review of Amazon Prime’s “Try Before You Buy” Program

A bag from Amazon Prime Wardrobe sits next to a wooden door

Real talk: I hate in-store shopping for clothes. (It’s probably a bad idea to start a blog post with a negative statement, but it’s a very true statement). The salespeople are either too pushy or refuse to help you, the lighting is awful, the music is too loud, and there’s never enough time to really …

Travel, Travel Tips

Laundry on the Go: How to Easily Wash Your Clothes While Traveling

A silk dress from Everlane soaks in a sink

I love traveling with just my carry-on. The clothes inside have been carefully selected, I’m left with a free hand to navigate directions on my phone or eat ice cream (this scenario is the most likely), and I can hoist my own bag into the overhead bin, thank you very much. I don’t think I’ll …


Journal | 7.21.18

Long time, no see! It’s good to be back in this space after a week off. Summer is definitely here and we’re not getting any relief from the heat any time soon! This weekend we are up in the Atlanta, Georgia, area to visit my family, where we plan to enjoy some hot chicken from …


Journal | 7.14.18

Alyssa writes in a journal

Happy Saturday! Boy, did this week feel ever-so-long after last week’s holiday. Despite feeling a tad under the weather this week, I’ve still managed to have a pretty productive week of travel planning. I even took a salsa dancing class with Michael! Have you ever taken dance classes? Though we attended as a couple, we …

Style, Travel, Travel Products

40 Essential Summer Travel Shoes for Women

Alyssa holds a pair of black sandals in her hand

One of the toughest packing challenges most people face involves shoes. What kind? How many? I’m often asked about this topic and it’s definitely time for a travel-friendly shoe guide. As an advocate for packing light and a frequent budget airline passenger, I tend to stick to two pairs of shoes per trip, wearing one on …