Reflections, Travel, Travel Tips

Five Easy Things You Can Do Today to Save for Your Next Trip

A green piggy bank with a stack of coins

I’ve touched on the topic of how I afford to travel before, but it’s been an entire year and I think it’s time to chat about money some more. It’s unfortunate that the topic of money is so taboo because I think we’d all be better off if we spoke about it more. So many …

Home, Journal, Reflections

Journal | 7.7.18

Alyssa writes in a journal set on a map

What a weird week, right? Having a day off in the middle of the week really threw me for a loop, like having a Monday and Friday back-to-back, twice. If you’re in the U.S., did you do anything fun to celebrate the Fourth? Typically Michael and I make a long weekend of it, but with …

Travel, Travel Tips

Is Global Entry Worth It? My Thoughts After One Year

Mexican pesos and American passports

It’s been a little over a year since I last wrote about my experience applying for the Global Entry program, so I’d say it’s about time for an update! Today I’ll share a quick refresher on the costs and benefits of the program, my experiences with TSA Precheck and expedited re-entry, and if I think …

Travel, Travel Tips

The Secret to a Great Stay: Seven Tips for Choosing the Perfect Airbnb

An Airbnb balcony in Italy's Cinque Terre

I’ve written before about my love for Airbnb, but today I want to share a few tips on how to find your perfect “home” out in the world. Why choose Airbnb when there are perfectly good, well-rated hotels nearly everywhere you want to go? I find that hotels put a distance between you and the …

Home, Journal, Reflections

Journal | 6.30.18

Alyssa writes in a journal

Happy Weekend to you! It’s been a busy week around here, so I’m just going to skip the intro and jump right on in. This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost to you!). Thank you …

Destinations, Florida, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Summer Packing List for Destin, Florida (30A)

A Basket Backpack with sunglasses and sandals

A real-life packing list for Destin, Florida (30A)

Destinations, Florida, Travel, USA

A Floridian’s Weekend Travel Guide for Destin, Florida (30A)

Two chairs on the beach in Miramar Beach

Destin, 30A, whatever you choose to call this area, here’s how to have a truly local experience.

Home, Journal, Reflections

Journal | 6.23.18

Alyssa writes in a notebook

Welcome to a new weekly journal where I’ll be sharing the things I’ve stumbled on while traveling the internet (and occasionally some real-world stuff) each week! This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost to you!). …

Packing Lists, Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

How to Pack the Away Carry-On

Alyssa holds the Away suitcase in one hand to demonstrate how lightweight it is

On Monday I shared my thoughts after a year of using my Away Carry-On suitcase, and today I thought I’d share my packing strategy. It took several tries before I finally figured out what works best for me (my last suitcase had one large compartment rather than two smaller sides), and now I finally have …