Home, Reflections

2018 New Year’s Resolutions

A list that says "I resolve to..."

There are many external reasons why I’m ready to say farewell to 2017, but internally I’ve never felt happier and healthier: Despite an unexpected move from our condo, Michael and I settled into our new space almost seamlessly. By visiting the gym almost daily, my body has grown stronger and leaner. By removing unnecessary clutter …

Destinations, Packing Lists, Rhode Island, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Winter Packing List for Providence, Rhode Island

Alyssa holds a stack of clothes she packed for Providence

Normally packing for a three-day weekend is a breeze, but when you’re from Florida and the temperature at your destination is barely expected to rise above freezing, it can be a challenge. Neither Michael nor I have a well-established winter wardrobe (you don’t really need one where we live!), and I still feel like we’re …

Home, Reflections

Happy Holidays!

A fabric sign that reads Merry Christmas

Whether you’re celebrating something today or not, no matter where you are in the world, I wish you all the best. Nothing—not gifts, trips, or “stuff”—is more important than spending time with those you love. Take time today to celebrate life with those around you; I’ll leave you with a look at December in our …

Destinations, Rhode Island, Travel, USA

Three-Day Winter Travel Guide to Providence, Rhode Island

Interior of the Providence Athenaeum

Last weekend Michael and I celebrated Christmas early by flying north for three days to Providence, Rhode Island. It felt like fate—the airfare was in our price range, the flight times worked with our schedule, hotel prices were reasonable, and there was a little snow in the forecast (despite my family’s insistence that you always …

Home, Reflections

How to Have a Slow Christmas

Alyssa drinks glogg in a window

I mentioned in Monday’s post that Michael and I took a trip to New York City last year in lieu of our typical gift exchange. It wasn’t that we grew tired of finding special gifts for the other person; we both love it when we find that perfect item we think the other will enjoy. …

Destinations, New York, Travel, USA

Christmas in New York

Alyssa in a warmly light room, though she is in the shadows

Christmastime in New York City is wonderful. Christmastime in New York City is also busy, crowded, and expensive. So this time last December, Michael and I sleepily boarded a 6:00 a.m. flight out of Florida with our return flight booked for 8:00 p.m. the following evening. December is peak travel season, so we spent $150 …

Beauty, Destinations, France, Travel

My Favorite French Beauty Finds + Where to Buy Them in the U.S.

A collection of bottles from a French Pharmacy

Go ahead and do a web search for “City Pharma Paris” and you’ll surely see a long line of blog posts and other websites praising the giant discount parapharmacie mecca in the results (it’s okay—I’ll still be here, promise). Everything they say is true—it’s busy and crowded but the prices are much lower. The staff …

Travel, Travel Products, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2017 Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffer Travel Gifts

A graphic that reads "stocking stuffer travel gifts under $15"

The holiday season is here in full force. Stores are currently taking over our mailboxes and email-boxes trying to convince us that we need everything and if we don’t get it right now it may not be available any longer and the world will end. To avoid this intentionally created stress, I’ve unsubscribed myself from …