Tag: Away


Journal | 2.2.19

Happy Groundhog Day! I hope those of you in the Midwest have weathered the polar vortex safely—I am fully unable to grasp just how cold the temperatures you’ve experienced this week really are. But thankfully we can trust that rodent up in Pennsylvania to predict the weather, and spring is going to come early this …

Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

Pack Smart, Not Hard: A Review of Away’s Packing Cubes

An Away suitcase with packing cubes filled with clothes

As a travel blogger, one of the things I am asked about most often is my Away Carry-On suitcase, which is why I’ve reviewed it not once, but twice (most recently here) and also shared an in-depth look at my packing strategy. I’m always tinkering with and trying to streamline my packing processes, and after …


Journal | 8.4.18

It’s August – the Sunday of Summer. The month when the heat turns unbearable, the students head back to school, and I begin to look ahead to the coming season. This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no …

Packing Lists, Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

How to Pack the Away Carry-On

Alyssa holds the Away suitcase in one hand to demonstrate how lightweight it is

On Monday I shared my thoughts after a year of using my Away Carry-On suitcase, and today I thought I’d share my packing strategy. It took several tries before I finally figured out what works best for me (my last suitcase had one large compartment rather than two smaller sides), and now I finally have …

Travel Products, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2018 Mother’s Day Gift Guide

A vase with flowers and text overlay "Mother's Day Gift Guide"

For many of us around the world, Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching. Most moms are probably just happy to receive a card, some flowers, and brunch, but I also like to give gifts that combine beauty and function while sparking the desire to travel. This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small …

Travel, Travel Products, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2018 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

A graphic that reads "valentine's day gift guide"

Once upon a time, Michael and I celebrated Valentine’s Day in the Hallmark way: cards, flowers, chocolate, jewelry, and a mandatory “nice” dinner. But it quickly grew stale, and once we began traveling we began to celebrate it in a more understated way. It’s certainly a strange holiday (here’s a brief history, if you’re wondering), …

Travel, Travel Products, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2017 Holiday Gift Guide: Travel Gifts for the Little Ones

Holiday Gifts for Kids graphic

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to any readers here in the US (or anywhere in the world, wherever you’re celebrating!). And even if you don’t celebrate this holiday, I’m still grateful for you! I’ve enjoyed this blogging journey so far, and can’t wait to see where we go next. But for now, with the holidays …