Tag: Books

Home, Travel, Travel Tips

On My Nightstand: A Travel-Inspired Reading List

A stack of library books on a shelf next to a jar filled with string lights

Back in 2016, one of my New Year’s Resolutions was to complete a reading list (I chose this one, despite not being a man and still having a few years to go before hitting 30). I completed my last book with only hours to spare on December 31, and since then I always seem to …

Home, Reflections, Travel Tips

Five Fun, Free Things You Can Do This Weekend to Save for Your Next Trip

Six coins from different countries sit on a counter

Just glance at your social media feed on the weekend while you’re trying to save money and you’re sure to see numerous posts from friends doing some (or all!) of the following: enjoying fancy meals out, attending loud and crazy concerts, going to the movies, or hanging at the bars until closing time. Meanwhile, you’re …