Tag: Denim

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style

A BIG Review of Universal Standard Denim (Updated for 2024)

Alyssa wears a pair of Universal Standard jeans

What clothing category do you find is the most challenging to shop for? Wait, wait, don’t tell me—let me guess: Is it denim? (It’s probably denim). At least, that’s always the category I struggle with most, and the one I seem to hear the most grumbling about. Jeans are almost always too short, too long, …

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style

Everlane Reviews: The Curvy ’90s Cheeky Jean, Organic Cotton Tissue Tank, Gathered Drape Trench, and ReLeather Tennis Shoe

Alyssa wears blue denim, a cream tank, and white sneakers and sits on a wooden step

Breaking news: I recently found the very first pair of 100% cotton jeans that work for my curvy figure. Up until now, all of my jeans have had some sort of stretch (at least, from my late-middle school years until my thirties—I have no idea what kind of denim my parents purchased for me as …

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style, Travel, Travel Tips

Why Black Skinny Jeans are Still My Go-To Denim for Travel, Featuring Mott & Bow

A white woman stands on the ledge of a fountain wearing a black top, black jeans, a grey sweater blazer, and black oxfords. In the background is the Charlotte skyline

Yes, yes, skinny jeans are no longer de rigueur, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to be banished from your wardrobe entirely (and let’s be real, does anyone truly follow every fleeting trend to the letter?). And despite the “throw out your skinny jeans” rhetoric on social media, clothing isn’t disposable—if you’re considering parting ways …

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style

Home Try-On: The Arc Jean from Everlane

Alyssa holds a camera and takes a photo in the mirror while wearing dark blue jeans and a black tank

Whether or not you believe that skinny jeans are “out” I think we can all agree that it’s exciting to see other denim cuts on the racks at both high-end retailers and Walmart (and everything in between). I’ve enjoyed wearing my wide-leg canvas pants for a few seasons now, but I haven’t given wide-leg denim …

Charlotte, Destinations, North Carolina, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Summer Packing List for Charlotte, North Carolina

Flatlay with light wash denim cutoffs, a white linen top, and a red bandana

Opening my suitcase and sharing everything I packed for a long weekend in Charlotte, North Carolina: It’s not often you see a long-distance road trip packing list on Wayward! A few weeks ago we visited our friends in Charlotte, North Carolina, and to be honest, I fretted over what to pack. Michael and I had …

Destinations, Minnesota, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Carry-On Packing List for Minneapolis–Saint Paul, Minnesota

A pile of clothes on the bed

I can’t tell you how much of a relief it was to pack for the Twin Cities. With a record-breaking heat wave at home (we were already in triple-digit temperatures in May), the forecast in Minnesota (highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s) looked absolutely dreamy. Looking for more packing list inspiration? Discover what’s …

Alabama, Destinations, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Packing List for an Alabama Road Trip

A photo of the Alabama Theatre. The marquee reads ALABAMA

Everything I packed for a long winter road trip through Alabama.

Belgium, Destinations, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, Travel Tips

Traveling Light: Two Weeks in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium Packing List

packing list benelux

Do you have a warm drink handy? Today I’m sharing a packing list for a recent trip to the Benelux region of Europe, and it grew quite lengthy by the end, so please feel free to make something and settle in to read (I won’t say no to a mug of mulled wine, so if …

Destinations, Mexico, Packing Lists, Style, Travel

Traveling Light: Packing List for Three Days in Mexico City

A graphic that reads "Mexico City Packing List"

My colleagues were confused when I lamented about packing for Mexico City. “Why?” they asked. “Don’t you just pack shorts, tanks, and sandals?” All of Mexico is not hot, with sunny beaches. In fact, much of the interior of Mexico runs quite cool due to the elevation. Mexico City’s temperature varies little throughout the year, …