Tag: Denim

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style, Travel, Travel Products

Home Try-On: A Review of Amazon Prime’s “Try Before You Buy” Program

A bag from Amazon Prime Wardrobe sits next to a wooden door

Real talk: I hate in-store shopping for clothes. (It’s probably a bad idea to start a blog post with a negative statement, but it’s a very true statement). The salespeople are either too pushy or refuse to help you, the lighting is awful, the music is too loud, and there’s never enough time to really …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Spring 10×10: Days 7-10

Alyssa wears a black dress with a white tee on top, and a pair of black loafers. She walks in front of a colorful mural, and she is crossing her arm in front of her

Whoosh – and another 10×10 is gone! This one flew by for me; I’m not sure if it’s just this time of year, or if time is simply beginning to move faster. I’ll share my final thoughts on the challenge as a whole on Thursday after I’ve had a few days to mull it over. …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Wrap-Up

A closet of ten items for the Winter 10x10 with text for the post

On Monday I shared my final looks for the 10 x 10 Challenge, and now that I’ve returned to my full wardrobe and had a few days to reflect on the challenge, I wanted to share my final thoughts. Missed ’em? See all the Winter 10 x 10 Posts here: Preview | Days 1 – …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Challenge: Days 4 – 6

Alyssa wears a silk tee, black pants, and black flats and looks out the window

We’ve crossed the halfway mark in the Winter 10 x 10 Challenge! (Not sure what that means? Be sure to start here). This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost to you!). Thank you for your …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Challenge: Days 1 – 3

Alyssa wears a black sweater, black jeans, and black flats

Hi 10 x 10 Friends! Three days down, seven to go. I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone’s item choices and outfit combinations so far (although I think my favorite ones are always towards the end of the ten days, where we all have to get a little extra creative to change things up)! At the end …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Winter 10 x 10 Preview

A cover photo for the Winter 10x10 post

Friends, can you believe we’re gearing up for another 10 x 10? Me neither! (Not sure what a 10 x 10 challenge is? Head here for more info). This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no additional cost …

Destinations, New York, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: New York City Packing List

A sofa piled with items packed for NYC in the Fall

And I’m back! Michael and I usually try to visit New York City at least once a year, and quite unbelievably as of last week, we hadn’t been yet this year. Well, we remedied that over the past weekend and spent three days eating and shopping to our hearts’ content. This post contains affiliate links …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 Wrap Up

Collage of outfits from the fall 10x10

My first 10 x 10 challenge is on the books! I’ve really enjoyed the way this challenge has forced me to be more creative with my work wardrobe. Let’s jump on into this recap to see what I’ve learned!

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 – Day Ten

Alyssa wears the Day Ten outfit for the Fall 10x10

*insert applause track here* We did it! We made it to the end of the Fall 10 x 10 and we made it to Friday! Is it just me, or has this week seemed exceptionally long? This post contains affiliate links Given that, let’s not make this week any longer. Here’s a look at Day …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 – Day Five

Alyssa wears a blush tee, blue jeans, and nude flats and sits down on a bench

Halfway there! I’m not feeling anxious about getting back to my full wardrobe yet, though I suppose it’s because I haven’t really re-worn too many of my items yet. I’ll just have to wait until day nine or ten to see how I truly feel. This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a …