“I don’t think my business cards are going to make it,” I told Michael flatly. “It looks like they’ll be here tomorrow, after I’ve already left.” It was the morning before I was scheduled to leave for my very first travel blogging conference, and I was feeling pretty downtrodden… and maybe a little dramatic. “What …
Tag: Essays
14 Things People Don’t Tell You About Starting a Travel Blog
(There’s more to it than wearing a flowy dress in pretty locations)
How I’m Approaching Travel Differently in My Thirties
I recently celebrated my thirty-fourth birthday by doing the thing I love the very most: traveling. This number doesn’t signify a major milestone by any means, but it does mean I’ve just entered my mid-thirties – and it made me stop to reflect on how traveling at 34 looks far different than traveling at 24. …
Why I Changed My Name at Age 32
Nope, not my blog name – my name-name.
Eighteen Months
Eighteen months. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve last logged in to this space – my own space – on the internet. So much has happened in the last year and a half, but in truth, my day-to-day looks about the same as it did the last time I posted here. There were so …
How This Travel Blogger is Coping with Being Stuck at Home in the Midst of Coronavirus
This feels weird – everything feels so strange. I haven’t been sleeping well, and I’ve woken up in a state of confusion each morning since Sunday ( as such, this post is a little out of the ordinary – more train-of-thought than planned content). As a whole, social-distancing and borderline self-quarantining isn’t that drastically different …
Beginning Again: Intentions for 2020
It didn’t hit until recently that a new decade is beginning—I suppose because I’ve already experienced so many new beginnings recently. 2019 was a big year for Michael and me, with an interstate move, our first big family vacation together, and injuries that impacted both travel and our day-to-day quality of life. With these changes, …
10 Things Everyone Should Know Before They Visit Florida for the First Time
“it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”
Journey with Intention: 5 Essential Tips for Mindful Travel
Have you ever been asked to recount your trip experiences and found yourself unable to respond? You know you had a great weekend away, but your mind somehow goes blank when it’s time to share. For a moment it feels almost as if your getaway never happened. Why do we do this? Travel is simultaneously …
7 Things That Surprised Me When I Returned Home After My First Trip Abroad
“Culture shock” is a term usually reserved for the way you feel when you travel to a culture vastly different than your own. But I think the biggest culture shock I’ve ever experienced occurred upon my return from Europe. Michael and I had just returned from our first major international trip*—two weeks in England and …