Tag: Gainesville


Journal | 9.29.19

Alyssa strikes a pose and hits the Gators marching band drum

Happy Sunday! It’s been a while, huh? If you read my latest newsletter, you know why things in my personal life, have been, well – a little all over the place (which would probably be a good alternate title for this blog). It’s a bit frustrating to me that it spills over into this space …

Destinations, Florida, Travel, Travel Tips, USA

10 Things Everyone Should Know Before They Visit Florida for the First Time

Flamingos standing in and around water

“it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”


Journal | 3.10.19

I am not on board with this time-changing nonsense, particularly when it occurs at the end of my Spring Break and I have to return to work the following day after a week of late nights and a little dabbling in sleeping in. It is what it is, I suppose, but if our state government …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Reflections, Style

Spring 10×10 Wrap-up

Eight garments and two pairs of shoes sit on and next to a white Eames chair

Another 10×10 Challenge is in the books! Find the previous Spring 10×10 posts here: Preview | 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-10 I wanted to share my thoughts on the Spring 10×10 with you after I’ve had a little time to mull it over. On the agenda today is a look at all ten outfits, my …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Spring 10×10: Days 7-10

Alyssa wears a black dress with a white tee on top, and a pair of black loafers. She walks in front of a colorful mural, and she is crossing her arm in front of her

Whoosh – and another 10×10 is gone! This one flew by for me; I’m not sure if it’s just this time of year, or if time is simply beginning to move faster. I’ll share my final thoughts on the challenge as a whole on Thursday after I’ve had a few days to mull it over. …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Reflections, Style

Spring 10×10: Days 4-6

Alyssa wears a white tunic underneath a black dress with tan mules. She is standing in front of a floral wall and facing away from the camera

Wow, we’ve crossed the halfway point! This 10×10 challenge is flying (I’ve seen others say that, too, so I’m glad I’m not the only one!) and I’m looking forward to returning to my full closet. I’m not necessarily desperate for any item in particular; I’m just ready to not feel boxed in. No clue what …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Reflections, Style

Spring 10×10: Days 1-3

Alyssa wears a silk tee, blue jeans, and black mules with black sunglasses while turning sideways to the camera

We’re one-third of the way through the Spring 10×10! (Not sure what that means? Check out my last post for all the info). The feed is filled to the brim with positivity and inspiration – it’s been my favorite part of this whole series. I’m thrilled to see so many people lifting each other up …