Is your email inbox as inundated with “deals! deals! deals!” emails as mine is? I feel like I’ve edited my subscription list down to just a few, and somehow I seem to keep getting added back onto lists… In any case, I spent some time yesterday during the car ride down to visit my family …
Tag: Glossier
Journal | 12.14.19
Oh, hey! I promise I haven’t forgotten about this space—or you. It’s been a busy few weeks moving up here and getting acquainted with our new city, and it hasn’t necessarily been an easy or smooth transition. I was rear-ended a few days after we moved, and managed to throw out my back and catch …
Journal | 8.25.19
Where did August go? This month has passed in a blur, but Michael and I have one more flight ahead of us before it turns September. We just booked a flight to Raleigh for Labor Day weekend – we’ve been so busy that I totally forgot about the holiday, and by yesterday cheap flights were …
Lighten Your Load: 37 Solid Alternatives to Liquid Toiletries
Of the many, many TSA regulations, the 3-1-1 rule about liquids is one of the most unnecessary, arbitrary rules you’ll encounter while traveling. How much time has been lost while staring at bath and body products the night before a trip, debating if the item in front of us is liquid or a solid? And …
Journal | 12.1.18
It’s December! This is my favorite time of the year, but also the time of year when my anxiety peaks. I plan to take it a bit slower than usual this holiday season by being kind to my mind and body, enjoying the quiet moments (simply sitting and enjoying our fresh tree with a mug …
Journal | 11.3.18
I’m freaking out that it’s November. Are you freaking out that it’s November? We’ve had quite the pleasant week here this week, with beautiful weather and fun festivities. We formulated our Halloween plans at the very last minute, and went to see a spooky play and enjoyed dinner at one of our local favorites. We …
Journal | 9.8.18
Happy Saturday! I always feel like I have to “pay” for a long weekend, and this week was a doozy at work. Nevertheless, we made it! This weekend is all about finalizing everything for my trip to Europe with Michael next weekend. I’m beyond excited but I’m also feeling a little anxious, as this is …
Journal | 8.18.18
August is more than halfway over, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaking out. Where on earth does the time go? It’s lovely to be home this weekend, one of only a couple of weekends at home over the next two months. Michael and I are taking care of my brothers (12 …
My Five-Minute Travel Makeup Routine
Confession time: I used to bring way too much makeup with me when traveling (actually, I used to bring way too much everything with me). But once I started unpacking mindfully, noting everything that was used during the trip and everything that was not used, I was able to whittle it down. This post contains …
2018 Spring Travel Style Wish List
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring! Surprisingly, Florida has a very short Spring season—we typically go from Winter straight into Summer, with only a few days of pleasant weather between. For some reason, we were blessed with what felt like an actual Spring this year (maybe as a reward for surviving the hurricanes last …