Tag: Makeup

Beauty, Style

Skincare Review: Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment

Alyssa places her hand on her fist. She is wearing the product, and it has reduced facial redness but not significantly

“Your face is really red.” A statement I’ve heard too many times to count. I admit I never know how to respond—or even what the person is expecting to hear as a response. “Thanks, it’s natural.” “Oh gee, I’m so glad you told me—I’ll just clap my hands, do a spin, and it will magically …

Charlotte, Journal, South Carolina

Journal | 10.1.21

Krystal is standing to the right of a large sign that reads Indie Craft Parade

Happy October! We’re still a few weeks away from peak fall foliage, but there are signs of autumn’s arrival everywhere. Apple farms are open for picking, boots and wool capes abound, and there’s something distinctly different in the air (is that cinnamon?). Last year Michael and I did All The Fall Things and I think …


Journal | 12.14.19

A small bowl with a piece of incense paper burning in the middle

Oh, hey! I promise I haven’t forgotten about this space—or you. It’s been a busy few weeks moving up here and getting acquainted with our new city, and it hasn’t necessarily been an easy or smooth transition. I was rear-ended a few days after we moved, and managed to throw out my back and catch …


Journal | 8.25.19

A plate of bean + soy-chorizo tacos on homemade corn tortillas

Where did August go? This month has passed in a blur, but Michael and I have one more flight ahead of us before it turns September. We just booked a flight to Raleigh for Labor Day weekend – we’ve been so busy that I totally forgot about the holiday, and by yesterday cheap flights were …


Journal | 3.10.19

I am not on board with this time-changing nonsense, particularly when it occurs at the end of my Spring Break and I have to return to work the following day after a week of late nights and a little dabbling in sleeping in. It is what it is, I suppose, but if our state government …


Journal | 9.1.18

¡Hola de Mexico! Michael and I are taking advantage of the long weekend here in Mexico City. Does it seem like too much hassle to leave the country just for a weekend? We’ve only done it once before (and that was back before we signed up for Global Entry!) on a visit to Aruba, but …


Journal | 8.25.18

Happy Saturday! As all of our office said yesterday as we were leaving work, we made it. The students returned to campus this week, and while I love the vibrancy of a college campus during the first few days of classes, I am beat! Michael and I plan on having a fairly quiet but productive …


Journal | 8.18.18

August is more than halfway over, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaking out. Where on earth does the time go? It’s lovely to be home this weekend, one of only a couple of weekends at home over the next two months. Michael and I are taking care of my brothers (12 …

Beauty, Style, Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

My Five-Minute Travel Makeup Routine

Mini bottles of makeup products on a tray

Confession time: I used to bring way too much makeup with me when traveling (actually, I used to bring way too much everything with me). But once I started unpacking mindfully, noting everything that was used during the trip and everything that was not used, I was able to whittle it down. This post contains …

Beauty, Packing Lists, Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

Traveling Light: Packing a Liquids Bag for Summer Travel

A quart bag from the brand Blue Avocado is filled with travel liquids

By now I’m sure you know all about the TSA’s rules for bringing liquids in your carry-on—and in case you haven’t heard, I’ll go ahead and mention it anyway so you don’t feel awkward (you’re not the only one I’ve encountered who wasn’t aware of this rule!). Often referred to as the 3-1-1 rule, in …