Tag: Outerwear

Destinations, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA, Washington, D.C.

Traveling Light: A Winter Packing List for Washington, D.C.

A graphic for the Washington, D.C. Packing List

Opening up my suitcase and sharing my packing list for a winter weekend in D.C. The last time I visited Washington, D.C., the weather was in the nineties and I nearly sweated through my tanks, dresses, and shorts. For a mid-January trip, the highs were barely above freezing, meaning there would be no easy packing …

Destinations, Packing Lists, Rhode Island, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Winter Packing List for Providence, Rhode Island

Alyssa holds a stack of clothes she packed for Providence

Normally packing for a three-day weekend is a breeze, but when you’re from Florida and the temperature at your destination is barely expected to rise above freezing, it can be a challenge. Neither Michael nor I have a well-established winter wardrobe (you don’t really need one where we live!), and I still feel like we’re …

Destinations, New York, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: New York City Packing List

A sofa piled with items packed for NYC in the Fall

And I’m back! Michael and I usually try to visit New York City at least once a year, and quite unbelievably as of last week, we hadn’t been yet this year. Well, we remedied that over the past weekend and spent three days eating and shopping to our hearts’ content. This post contains affiliate links …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 – Day Ten

Alyssa wears the Day Ten outfit for the Fall 10x10

*insert applause track here* We did it! We made it to the end of the Fall 10 x 10 and we made it to Friday! Is it just me, or has this week seemed exceptionally long? This post contains affiliate links Given that, let’s not make this week any longer. Here’s a look at Day …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 – Day Nine

Alyssa wears a black dress, grey blazer, and black shoes with sunglasses

The home stretch! I’m pretty glad that tomorrow is the last day of the challenge (and also a casual Friday so jeans are in my forecast). Today was a typical Thursday; we had our staff meeting this afternoon, but the mood was a little different due to all of the things happening in our state …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 – Day Seven

Alyssa wears a pink tee, black pants, black loafers and looks off camera

YOU GUYS. We’re in the home stretch and the weather didn’t reach into the 80s today! Well, there are still three days left before the weekend and we’re supposed to warm back up again, but my Fall 10 x 10 challenge is nearly over. This post contains affiliate links I’m still feeling like I could …

10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Home, Style

Fall 10 x 10 Closet Preview

A closet containing ten garments and shoes

So, what is a 10 x 10, and why is it being featured on a travel blog? The 10 x 10 challenge was established by Lee of Style Bee as a way to expand a limited selection of garments’ value by styling them in many different outfits. Specifically, you select ten items (clothes + shoes) …