Tag: Public Transit

Destinations, Spain, Travel

72 Hours in Madrid, Spain

Alyssa standing in front of the Metropolitan building in Madrid

When I shared with friends and family that Michael and I were traveling to Spain, many people excitedly asked, “Oh, are you going to Barcelona?!” Not a single person asked if we were going to Madrid. That seems absurd, doesn’t it? It is the capital of the country after all, and that should count for …

Destinations, Mexico, Travel

Beyond the Surface: A Travel Guide to Mexico City for Second-Time Visitors

Alyssa standing on an overpass in Mexico City

Museo Frida Kahlo, check. Palacio de Bellas Artes, check. Museo Nacional de Antropología, check. I have good news: If you’ve been to Mexico City once before, but only for a few days – this post’s for you (and if you haven’t? Check out my first Mexico City trip recap to start planning your first adventure!). …

Belgium, Destinations, Travel

Beyond the Basics: A Weekend Travel Guide for Brussels, Belgium

Alyssa and Michael in Brussels City Center

Brussels was the city I was least excited to visit on my recent trip to Europe: I’d heard the city was crowded and dirty, and that it has a reputation for being a bit dangerous. I might have even only trekked in for a day trip or skipped it entirely, were it not for the …

Belgium, Destinations, Travel

The Ultimate Travel Guide for Ghent, Belgium

View of Ghent from Gravensteen

My top picks for a weekend in Ghent, Belgium – including all the best places to eat, drink, and shop!

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel, Travel Tips

Getting from A to B: What You Need to Know About Public Transit in Amsterdam

Tram lines in the sky at sunset in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a city best explored on foot or by bicycle as it is compact, well-organized, and features plenty of walking and biking lanes. That being said, there are times when it makes more sense to travel across the city via a faster method: when you’re in a hurry, when you are heading clear across …

Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

Five Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Trip

Boats float in a pond at Giverny

At the beginning of the year, Michael and I began discussing ways we can reduce waste both in our home and while traveling. Though our carbon footprint grows larger with each flight, we’re not going to stop traveling any time soon (and when large corporations are to blame for most of the greenhouse gas emissions …

Destinations, Travel, USA, Washington, D.C.

Travel Diary: Winter Weekend Getaway to Washington, D.C.

I may have been a little dramatic in my Instagram Stories while waiting to board my very delayed flight to Washington, D.C., but to be fair, by the time I boarded, we were already supposed to have landed. Normally losing a couple of hours of vacation time is merely a nuisance, but not highly impactful …

Destinations, New York, Travel, USA

A Three-Day Weekend in NYC

Alyssa and Michael smile for a photo in Central Park

I’ll begin this post by saying this was not your typical New York City trip. There was no Statue of Liberty involved, no shuffling through Times Square, no trip to the top of the Empire State Building, and only one museum. It was my umpteenth time visiting NYC over the past few years, so Michael …

Destinations, France, Travel, Travel Tips

Behind the Wheel in the South of France: A Road Trip Adventure

A road in Provence leading to a town on the hill

“Oh, and by the way, there is a fuel shortage due to a strike and you may have trouble filling your rental before you return,” the car rental associate explained after the papers were signed and the keys were in our hand. Michael and I looked at each other, relaying our horror without words. This …