Tag: Scottsboro

Alabama, Destinations, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: A Packing List for an Alabama Road Trip

A photo of the Alabama Theatre. The marquee reads ALABAMA

Everything I packed for a long winter road trip through Alabama.

Alabama, Destinations, Travel, USA

Where Lost Luggage Goes: What it’s Like to Visit Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro, Alabama

Krystal standing in front of sign at Unclaimed Baggage Entrance

“How can the airline just lose my bag?” I have no idea how often this phrase gets uttered, but after a recent visit to Unclaimed Baggage in tiny Scottsboro, Alabama, I suspect it happens a lot. Sorry, what? Unclaimed Baggage? Yep—Unclaimed Baggage is an entire store dedicated to selling items left in unclaimed bags at …


Journal | 3.2.19

Hello from the road! So much has happened since last weekend’s journal post—but the short story is that Michael tore a muscle in his leg on Sunday night, resulting in us canceling our New England trip (we figured that icy sidewalks and a walking boot probably don’t mix too well). A total bummer, sure, but …