“How can the airline just lose my bag?” I have no idea how often this phrase gets uttered, but after a recent visit to Unclaimed Baggage in tiny Scottsboro, Alabama, I suspect it happens a lot. Sorry, what? Unclaimed Baggage? Yep—Unclaimed Baggage is an entire store dedicated to selling items left in unclaimed bags at …
Tag: Shopping
Travel Essentials: My Top Picks from the Shopbop Sale
In case you haven’t heard, there’s an excellent sale going on over at multi-brand fashion-fave Shopbop, where the more you spend, the more you can save. There are a ton of items included in the sale, even ones that I never see go on sale, all at up to 25% off. I spent some time …
Brews and Views: A Comprehensive Travel Guide to Asheville, North Carolina
Have you heard it too? You casually mention that you’re considering a little getaway in the Southeast, and then they say, “Well, what about Asheville?” Michael and I have heard this countless times over the past few years; suddenly it seemed like everyone was either planning a trip to the North Carolina city or had …
Winter Travel Style Wishlist
Well, we’re already a few weeks into winter, but better late than never, right? I’m currently striving toward building a wardrobe I’m content with—both at home and away—which means I’m giving new things a lot of thought before bringing them into my home. Mild winters here in Florida mean I can get away with jeans, …
A Perfect Holiday Weekend Itinerary for Denver, Colorado
When our families’ plans changed for the Thanksgiving weekend, Michael and I had to make a change to ours, too—and naturally, we took it as an opportunity to travel. With just a few days’ notice before the long weekend, we were left with limited options for flights in our price range and at times that …
The Best Places to Shop in Antwerp, Belgium
Antwerp has been synonymous with fashion since the Antwerp Six exploded into the fashion world in the eighties, and the undeniably cool city is worth at least a day trip should you find yourself in Belgium. Granted, a day will only allow you to scratch the surface of the city’s designers and shops, but if …
The Ultimate Travel Guide for Ghent, Belgium
My top picks for a weekend in Ghent, Belgium – including all the best places to eat, drink, and shop!
36 Hours in Luxembourg City
I think I got off on the wrong foot with little Luxembourg. My journey by train from Amsterdam was met with sudden route changes, extending my transit time from the better part of a morning to a full seven hours – which meant I was filled with a bit of regret before Michael and I …
Retail Therapy: The Amsterdam Stores That Are Worth Your Time and Money
Shopping no longer holds the key to my heart the way it once did – and as such it no longer holds a strong spot in my travel itinerary, either. However, there is something so fun about responding, “Oh this? I got it in Paris/New York/Amsterdam/wherever,” when someone asks you about your outfit. A recent …
Long Weekend Escape: A Travel Guide for Three Days in Mexico City, Mexico
A disclaimer: Three days in Mexico City is not enough. But I have a feeling that a week, or a month, or a lifetime would still not be enough time to spend in the city. The capital of Mexico is beautifully chaotic and vibrant, with patches of quiet and green space filling in the gaps. …