Tag: Shopping

Destinations, Florida, Travel, USA

Travel Guide: 36 Hours in Jacksonville, Florida

Alyssa stands in a bamboo garden at the Jacksonville Zoo

It was surfing that brought Michael and me to Jacksonville one weekend. Not what you expected, right? Perhaps a sporting event or convention or family or something, but not surfing. Yet there we were on a recent Saturday, standing on the beach in our swimsuits and wondering what we’d gotten ourselves into. This post contains …


Journal | 8.4.18

It’s August – the Sunday of Summer. The month when the heat turns unbearable, the students head back to school, and I begin to look ahead to the coming season. This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of these links (at no …

Home Try On + In-Depth Style Reviews, Style, Travel, Travel Products

Home Try-On: A Review of Amazon Prime’s “Try Before You Buy” Program

A bag from Amazon Prime Wardrobe sits next to a wooden door

Real talk: I hate in-store shopping for clothes. (It’s probably a bad idea to start a blog post with a negative statement, but it’s a very true statement). The salespeople are either too pushy or refuse to help you, the lighting is awful, the music is too loud, and there’s never enough time to really …

Destinations, Florida, Travel, USA

Coastal Charms: A Floridian’s Day Trip Guide to St. Augustine

Alyssa stands in front of the entrance to Flagler College

Ask a Floridian if they’ve visited St. Augustine before, and odds are, they’ll say yes. The subject of Florida History is studied state-wide during the fourth grade, and many Florida students cap their studies with a trip to the oldest city in the continental United States. It’s also a place Michael and I have visited …

Destinations, Pennsylvania, Travel, USA

Steel City Escapes: A Weekend Travel Guide for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh Skyline as seen at Grandview Overlook

I always knew Michael and I would make it to Pittsburgh one day; the art, history, and food culture rival many other large American cities, and its off-the-beaten-tourist-path status is a draw for us as well. I just never thought our first visit would be a by-product of a different trip. This post contains affiliate …

Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

Five Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Trip

Boats float in a pond at Giverny

At the beginning of the year, Michael and I began discussing ways we can reduce waste both in our home and while traveling. Though our carbon footprint grows larger with each flight, we’re not going to stop traveling any time soon (and when large corporations are to blame for most of the greenhouse gas emissions …

Destinations, Florida, Style, Travel, USA

A Floridian’s Day Trip Guide to Tallahassee

Alyssa reads the Maclay Gardens Map

I know, I’m from Florida, and chances are you’ve probably made me and all of my fellow citizens the punchline of a joke at some point. Yes, we’re aware of it, and quite frankly, we totally get it. We see news stories that make us cringe on a weekly basis. To be honest, neither Michael …

Destinations, Rhode Island, Travel, USA

Three-Day Winter Travel Guide to Providence, Rhode Island

Interior of the Providence Athenaeum

Last weekend Michael and I celebrated Christmas early by flying north for three days to Providence, Rhode Island. It felt like fate—the airfare was in our price range, the flight times worked with our schedule, hotel prices were reasonable, and there was a little snow in the forecast (despite my family’s insistence that you always …

Beauty, Destinations, France, Travel

My Favorite French Beauty Finds + Where to Buy Them in the U.S.

A collection of bottles from a French Pharmacy

Go ahead and do a web search for “City Pharma Paris” and you’ll surely see a long line of blog posts and other websites praising the giant discount parapharmacie mecca in the results (it’s okay—I’ll still be here, promise). Everything they say is true—it’s busy and crowded but the prices are much lower. The staff …

Destinations, New York, Travel, USA

A Three-Day Weekend in NYC

Alyssa and Michael smile for a photo in Central Park

I’ll begin this post by saying this was not your typical New York City trip. There was no Statue of Liberty involved, no shuffling through Times Square, no trip to the top of the Empire State Building, and only one museum. It was my umpteenth time visiting NYC over the past few years, so Michael …