Tag: Skincare

Beauty, Style

Skincare Review: Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment

Alyssa places her hand on her fist. She is wearing the product, and it has reduced facial redness but not significantly

“Your face is really red.” A statement I’ve heard too many times to count. I admit I never know how to respond—or even what the person is expecting to hear as a response. “Thanks, it’s natural.” “Oh gee, I’m so glad you told me—I’ll just clap my hands, do a spin, and it will magically …

Beauty, Home, Style

A Flake-Free Pout: Comparing French Girl Rose Lip Polish and Olio E Osso Lip Scrub

Two small boxes on a white background. On the left is a white box that reads "FRENCH GIRL rose lip polish" with an abstract lip line drawing. On the right is a black box with a red circle which has "Olio e Osso" printed in it

It’s the first day of winter today here in the northern hemisphere—which means it’s the first day of the season of cracked hands, itchy scalp, and chapped lips. In preparation for all the excessive moisturizing to come, I recently decided that I should add a lip scrub to my routine, in addition to making every …

Charlotte, Journal, South Carolina

Journal | 10.1.21

Krystal is standing to the right of a large sign that reads Indie Craft Parade

Happy October! We’re still a few weeks away from peak fall foliage, but there are signs of autumn’s arrival everywhere. Apple farms are open for picking, boots and wool capes abound, and there’s something distinctly different in the air (is that cinnamon?). Last year Michael and I did All The Fall Things and I think …

Beauty, Travel, Travel Products, Travel Tips

Lighten Your Load: 37 Solid Alternatives to Liquid Toiletries

Flatlay with shave soap, powder dry shampoo, toothpaste tabs, and solid cologne

Of the many, many TSA regulations, the 3-1-1 rule about liquids is one of the most unnecessary, arbitrary rules you’ll encounter while traveling. How much time has been lost while staring at bath and body products the night before a trip, debating if the item in front of us is liquid or a solid? And …

Travel, Travel Products, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2019 Father’s Day Gift Guide

Quick PSA: Father’s Day is June 16 here in the U.S. and over fifty countries! With Memorial Day behind us, the month of May is all but gone; ready or not it’s time to look ahead to June. Father’s Day isn’t quite the major gift-giving holiday as Mother’s Day, but that doesn’t mean we should …

Destinations, Netherlands, Travel

Retail Therapy: The Amsterdam Stores That Are Worth Your Time and Money

Alyssa shops in Amsterdam at Charlie + Mary

Shopping no longer holds the key to my heart the way it once did – and as such it no longer holds a strong spot in my travel itinerary, either. However, there is something so fun about responding, “Oh this? I got it in Paris/New York/Amsterdam/wherever,” when someone asks you about your outfit. A recent …


Journal | 8.25.18

Happy Saturday! As all of our office said yesterday as we were leaving work, we made it. The students returned to campus this week, and while I love the vibrancy of a college campus during the first few days of classes, I am beat! Michael and I plan on having a fairly quiet but productive …

Beauty, Destinations, France, Travel

My Favorite French Beauty Finds + Where to Buy Them in the U.S.

A collection of bottles from a French Pharmacy

Go ahead and do a web search for “City Pharma Paris” and you’ll surely see a long line of blog posts and other websites praising the giant discount parapharmacie mecca in the results (it’s okay—I’ll still be here, promise). Everything they say is true—it’s busy and crowded but the prices are much lower. The staff …

Travel, Travel Products, Wish Lists and Gift Ideas

2017 Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffer Travel Gifts

A graphic that reads "stocking stuffer travel gifts under $15"

The holiday season is here in full force. Stores are currently taking over our mailboxes and email-boxes trying to convince us that we need everything and if we don’t get it right now it may not be available any longer and the world will end. To avoid this intentionally created stress, I’ve unsubscribed myself from …