Tag: Trip Planning

Travel, Travel Tips

10 Tips for Overcoming Museum Fatigue

Alyssa lies down on a mattress and peers up at art in a Ghent museum

Do you ever find yourself walking through a museum chock full of priceless works of art or millennia of human history, only to find yourself sighing from boredom? Guess what? You’re not alone. There’s a century-old term for this feelingβ€”Museum Fatigueβ€”and I suffer from it, too. It took visiting a few world-class museums for me …

Travel, Travel Tips

Fair and Square: How to Split Travel Costs When One Person Makes More Money

Two piggy banks. The small one is in the foreground and it just has a few dollars in the hole. The large piggy bank in the back has a lot of money in and around it.

Let’s dive into a taboo topic today: money. And not only reading about money, or spending moneyβ€”today we’ll be talking about money in a way that we hate: talking about it with other people. I briefly mentioned this topic in a previous post [see more here: 20 questions you should ask a potential travel partner …


Journal | 5.19.19

Happy Sunday! We’re supposed to be finalizing plans for our trip to Minneapolis next week, but Michael is mostly just scrolling Reddit and showing me things like, “What if ‘pineapples’ was pronounced like Minneapolis.” This post contains affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking one of …

Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Travel, Travel Tips

Behind the Scenes: My Travel Planning Timeline for Two Weeks in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium

A photo of Kinderdijk Windmills

As a travel blogger, I receive a lot of questions about how far out to book a trip and how to create an itinerary. There is no right or wrong answer of course (and despite what you read online, flights aren’t always cheaper on Tuesdays), but my trips to destinations further afield tend to follow …

Travel, Travel Tips

Laundry on the Go: How to Easily Wash Your Clothes While Traveling

A silk dress from Everlane soaks in a sink

I love traveling with just my carry-on. The clothes inside have been carefully selected, I’m left with a free hand to navigate directions on my phone or eat ice cream (this scenario is the most likely), and I can hoist my own bag into the overhead bin, thank you very much. I don’t think I’ll …


Journal | 7.14.18

Alyssa writes in a journal

Happy Saturday! Boy, did this week feel ever-so-long after last week’s holiday. Despite feeling a tad under the weather this week, I’ve still managed to have a pretty productive week of travel planning. I even took a salsa dancing class with Michael! Have you ever taken dance classes? Though we attended as a couple, we …

Reflections, Travel, Travel Tips

Five Easy Things You Can Do Today to Save for Your Next Trip

A green piggy bank with a stack of coins

I’ve touched on the topic of how I afford to travel before, but it’s been an entire year and I think it’s time to chat about money some more. It’s unfortunate that the topic of money is so taboo because I think we’d all be better off if we spoke about it more. So many …

Travel, Travel Tips

How to Find Cheap Flights

view of Nice France from an airplane

I’ve mentioned some of the ways Michael and I save to fund our trips before, but today I want to share how we go about finding airfare when we are booking flights for long weekends (or regular weekends!) away. This post is not sponsored but contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission (at …

Travel, Travel Tips

Quick and Easy Travel Phrases for Any Trip

A graphic that reads "Essential Phrases for Travelers"

Michael and I booked our recent trip to Italy only a month and a half in advance which didn’t give us much time to plan, let alone learn a new language! Planning took priority of course; we wanted to make sure we had places to stay and a means of getting there. But while covering …